API as a Product

API as a Product

The actual value you deliver to your users is an experience, and the most important part of that experience is an API


The best product managers and engineers understand that their core product is not a line of code or a set of features. The actual value you deliver to your users is an experience, and the most important part of that experience is an API.

A large part of your product is what your users see and interact with

Because it ends up being so much of the final value that you deliver, APIs are critical to your success.

It’s easy to think of your product as the final thing your users see and interact with (UX). That’s only part of the story, though. The other part is what they do when they use it, and how you can measure that activity. It turns out that these metrics are also essential for understanding how valuable your product is because they show where people get stuck—and where you might need to invest more effort in making things easier or clearer. This makes APIs a critical part of your product strategy. They let you understand how people use it and what they get out of it—and that information can help you make better decisions about how to improve it.

The first step is to understand how APIs are used by developers. In general, there are three main ways that people use APIs:

  • As a way to build new apps, services, and products.
  • As a way to integrate and add features to existing apps and products.
  • As a way to access data for analytics, make money by selling data or services.

APIs improve Developer Experience (DX)

The audience for an API is a group of developers with a high degree of technical knowledge and experience in solving hard problems. They come to an API with the expectation that they will be able to get work done efficiently, without too much ceremony or fuss.

When you develop an API, you are not just creating a product for developers. You are also creating a product for yourself. This can be difficult to understand at first, but it’s important to remember that when you build an API or any other type of software product, you are essentially making something for everyone else who will use it—including yourself.

The audience for an API is a group of developers with a high degree of technical knowledge and experience in solving hard problems. They come to an API with the expectation that they will be able to get work done efficiently, without too much ceremony or fuss. An API that allows users to accomplish their goals quickly and easily will win out over one that takes more time or effort because it gives them more control over their codebase and workflow (which is also known as “power users”).

Therefore, a good API allows users to accomplish their goals quickly and easily. The best way to do this is by following the principles of “good software design”—making your code modular and reusable. To do this, your code needs to be easy to understand and modify. This is where good API design comes in—you need to make sure that the logic behind your API is simple and clear enough for other developers to understand without having to read through massive amounts of documentation.

The biggest challenge for a development team is not building a feature but getting other people in their organization to notice and care about it. The best way to build something that matters is to build something that makes people’s lives easier. This idea applies just as much to internal projects as it does to consumer-facing applications.

An API by itself will not drive adoption or usage; you need other elements

An API by itself will not drive adoption or usage; you need other elements to improve the developer experience (DX) such as documentation, client libraries, tutorials, and interactive explorers. If your goal is to encourage people to use the data available through your API you'll want to invest in these things. The good news is that these are relatively inexpensive investments that can have a huge impact on how successful your product becomes.

If you're planning on building an API, it's important to understand what an API is and how it can be used. You should also know how the data available through your API will be used by developers. Once you have a clear understanding of all these things, it’s time to create a high-quality API that users will want to use.

Your API is essential in your business strategy

You must treat your product, be it an API or otherwise, as an essential part of your overall business strategy. That means we need to involve our product managers and engineers early, often, and deeply in any discussion where we talk about revenue. Product managers are the key to success:

Need to be involved in revenue discussions because it's going to impact how you design your product.

Need to be involved in product design discussions because that's how people are going to use the tool and make money off of it.

And finally, you should be thinking about strategy—what does our company want to accomplish with this technology or platform?

Your job is not just about making sure everything works correctly; but also making sure everyone understands what we're trying to accomplish and how each decision affects those goals.


The fact is that building an API is a lot like building any other product. It requires the same kind of strategic thinking and planning, with the same sort of user experience focus. But at the same time, it needs to be designed in such a way that developers can quickly understand how it works and start using it right away. This requires some careful thought about how best to present data in both human-readable and programmatic formats, which may not be obvious at first glance but can make all the difference when it comes time to actually use the system.

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